C++ Day 2019: Wrap-up post

On November 30th, we had an awesome day about C++ in Parma: the C++ Day 2019. We co-organized this event with Elettric80. The event was hosted by the University of Parma!
The C++ Day 2019 had ~170 attendees.
The event was possible thanks to the joint work of Elettric80 and a few people from the Italian C++ Community (Alessandro Vergani, Illya Dudchenko, Federico Ficarelli and I) and the University of Parma.
That’s all about the C++ Day format: a joint effort between the Italian C++ Community and one or more local hosts. As I told during my welcome and closing messages, the call for C++ Day 2020 is open! Two things are needed:
- an event location with at least 2 rooms with 150 seats each and some space for catering and sponsor stands. Possibly free;
- some support to co-organize the event. If you are interested, let’s speak about it!
In addition to Elettric80, the C++ Day 2019 had two other supportive companies which I would like to thank:
Last but not least, thanks to all the speakers and to all the attendees!
I have published several pictures of the event here on our Facebook page.
Some stats
As usual, the responses to the C++ survey follow:
Structure and contents of the event
The C++ Day 2019 was a full-day event about C++ development with 8×50′ and 2×30′ talks arranged in two parallel tracks throughout the whole day, 1×45′ Q&A Panel.
Networking and breaks: 1h before the kick-off, 2×30′ breaks (1 morning, 1 afternoon) and 75′ lunch break. Food, hot and cold beverages available through all the event.
The Main Theme of the event was C++ in Industrial Automation.
Some topics:
- Cross-compilation in C and C++
- Python bindings in C++
- STL algorithms design
- TBB Dataflow
- Design patterns and idioms in C++ use cases
- Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithms in C++
- From iterators to ranges
Most of the talks were in Italian.
This year we had less than 30% of the attendees giving feedback.
What’s next
The organization of the Italian C++ Conference 2020 has already started. It will be in Rome and the call for sessions is open. If you would like to support the event, get in touch.
In 2020 I will keep on arranging monthly C++ meetups in Modena, hosted by ConoscereLinux (which I have been recently joined the official council).
In addition, I will keep on directing Coding Gym and, as a trainer, I will keep on organizing Coding Gym in Modena on a monthly basis.
That’s all. See you in 2020!